March 5, 1953 The Mooreland Leader | |
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Heart Fund ])rive ",- -
Nets $176.33 Hei'e
Mr.'l. Bob Crawro'fi(, ehJrnlltn 'of
t lo ]]t. "t P | Drh'e which endetL
In 'tile Mooroland .conllntznBy Lho
" -last or ]eebruary, reports thht" lle
proceeds totaled $17lb33 for tile
local area.
• Tho chairman oxt0nds thnnks to
ell thoo whu help."d [If the drive
• " Itnd thoe tvho dh] thoh' Ildrt by
donating tun(Is.
-] ,:.. Mr. and '
received Word last wet, It Of
birth o[ .a dntlghter, to tllClr son
anti wife, Mr, and" ,Mrs, .George
;, ..... i, ( -
• The, Hda,.,. ..... ftho, :..'F'm'. --. .The Exmple-=if.Com, |" :.",
hlg, Dairy'g Livt0¢,k i!ffb '
." and Poultry Arb_aot- munR it:In Eiieet! I 'i
- • :Iremnt-fbr t "
S. Woodward' County. "" ". '.--i .....'-. • .... -" ' ............ " : " - ' ...... . .- .-
..... _"3 ' -- " -AIRWAYS FOFCTHE:INTEREBT OF.MOOFIEleANO;'AND WOOIhlAFIO COUNTY • "'- eConilbl t ..... [" ":.
;'.=,. " •" "?". " (tered MV |. lIO-. In' ,U. B: poBtoifle,. Mooreland.' Ohomw a nd dlam 'm'[l-:/kt't .... der- A'ei of'Con ..... t Maxch &" 1810)"
.'W.. - -..L . . ....... - . : .--. ,
,.. ' , FIF'IT-FIRST_YE'../ ....:....:,.. (S..TX PAGES.. _ . .=....': " : - , j. : Mooreland, Olchth.oma, Thurs'day; March. 5, !9"5_3 I.: 'V""7-.: " -. " -"' . :.: . . FIVE C'EN .TS it- _ :.. :' NUMBER. 2." "'-""
[ - . : "
' " " •. • odwartl countr :rag--* "
Jteglonal aenll-flnalltRa will nn',o In hletlo ' '
. • qnto .Mooralal startlnl ThUrsdnS' "..'--
• ttX ii I each ,Utlla former y o
" . "t " '
..... • ,,o,', al - oy o Uova t; Dot . " "
• ' lty on March li," 1, 13, 14. ' '' of:,*.'ooil'h=d, "" . ..... - ' . .
tlambtlt were phtyed ruedK, tin antiar" " " .. ,
• "rnoon a nil nllht at- Olteeno Chor ,.. - •. ., ,,..,.
" 18 score nt telelon canto., to te 1 h t d In contests vestee oct vo S r;l nmbors. "1' ey-az'o " "." "'
. I[ "' " l . JIg g ' "t ' "
t . •
. " |oorolan¢ wId nloet tile zeavr s 24 m ea 10n "" nd must imvo [r ' " rite ubl e - ' * ' , + lY , ; ]lty uurKo ztut- " .
= . I g g , " " s ' a t s a - " P ..... Ted. Dauphln, Mrs. ,V. (2. WllIhu.- and gnt)lor the oldnlun of tile puh- ' • ,. • • - • •
• n t e r eecond re niK a Io ;, noxl I arc pp Is iet rto[ po. .8" t "" '" . . aids' '" MI. Veil liar" ' Mrs" 'Itar the nwetlnt " . Icy .votaw oodw r l. .Ivan Iugena •
• A rln re )resenht* Over sixty ]Lead at fat livestock•, -. • - ' .. , . . . • tlllt¢, 2arhdmd, . M -
- tlv Will I}O JOt wan ueteato i ,t- of o am no datlon fr in OOl Ie -.e o-,} ............. v _ _ _.._. • . ..... , , ' he t " .... "- "- "
. • q i " . e, Funeral o Cousin Re] fit Wllon Mt It J 1" tie tken on tile proposition t} see -
k t G3-4D and Okeono ;v to tested ciudoa 37 be'rows, 17 t r..tO .... . ', ' ' ' H" "
............. t O co tl rt ty n I s ac o IHL Inml . .qleol nx bltor tire Tom • '- and Mrs .llerhort Moody ....... how ]lo i|lajorlty t!eI. tow&rd • .he Mrs. t big Attends
,mes oy a 242u score lit zlrs rounu oooi'd datlfaetorF • "'"" ....... ' ......... : " " ' -=" " " " " ' ' -
..... " • ¢ rteoso Nathan ]loose leeltl/ HUrl Mitt Ida Morris and Mr nnd Mrs" %Vqrkere In the [ttlrli] ".ross art' proposed, proJtt. . • -, Funeral of Brother-in:law
}: ' iiii : @ ' 'i!i00 =::' . .,, :=',o
- 70-40 a Id t ie0t ][oukor In see- -= : - -_" " - g " -' £ ' = ..... , '.. . ,: . . . r
...... ' rd vrnw offi h thrn 'nr Xtn n " • ' CI aries Baxter an .Mrs Boss 1" n , .- Ira ]lid Ig'a brat or n aw Henry
• ond round I)ay /IoOlCer wol ovor -_- - -_ - - -_- _ _ italnoy, ..A ....................... : .......... • .- . ._ " • • " _ .... . . " "- ) " "
Ilalko '4 37 Cheroke proved too -. - Larry'V," atria; Dale Dtuph[n, Jim' ""Mr. Groonhanl¢, 58, was editor of namao, tuurtis and.rural}; and Mrs. o.Tnose WhO Intend tO=ho can- Koch.- , .' - + . - ..... y . _
,n,o,t ,or .,,edger " end ofo t ..... n ...... s .... to .'a o. 00oot ........ • ]to " =a'd h,s .......
• them 66-18 a Id wi lfii6t;'tkd Itlng-I "-- - - - _. B i H ," nodnor "I[olIowlLb; llll "d)d nudden y on Monday, fu ow- : I '. I , nil sol[slUng would " t;. . t n r I Ired to flIo )Yllllnnlt kUIO .Co. C]oBd " ,"
" " " Gaz" F e s lu eno I1 a cart attack uo done bl person by the t lkera [vr oi[we In wrltblg'wlth the clerk ' " -. ".
- - wood te tin.on b'r day Ight tit 8 50. Y, hltenack, y , g g • .... Saturda for Stock Show •
] ngwood" held t e r tee t e ----- , - -- - - wood Lawrence .Gray Nathan " Mrs. Johnson remained In Kansas tl la yea.r..and that everyone WpU d o the Lloald of Education in order Y t , . . • . l
• ; ' " • be coatacted The goal he atthl to he voted upon at the eIel,tloh • "
t .... amont br downing Fair,,Iow i..z'lll R ..... ram Beso, Paul Butler, Roy after- umlergoln- .urgory at the ' .... ..." - . • "
"" tnent hero at .01) in|. ell Thuredar, . "- - --_ exhlbltnra Itr : ]I" l- o g d l I g to be . . . " , , 2 * . " . -. ' . . ". 2 0 Iii " - -. "-- • ' "
'' flol " 'v VIIl l[lt unlll Frblay •March 13th -noal,ll.ol llleatlDll- -- •, - .... : u•.p, , a¢oiilllg '[o ilarlal. lJ. "
.(i"" . t' "'i:" "'",i'; ,,t;. 'I-- " - .... I .'Co::::;tee'uu"°t" Ira ohl, no i:i aud.ron . Car SaIvag, credff o, tho. M ...... d ]]el C .... AL C! | n.hnreh " HDME 'ROM HDSP TAL " ' '
!!i!i[: !"!: ,: ':: ',:illilII00m00mB00 r ] , ,,::: 00,ma.=,,,losAnnouneos =ev';:00l::es=arch'
• thrlilol- o;or. ]]lOllt in ill*st roln l Cilllnber : o lolnlnorco, who llr£* " " * " I ] o ] " " - -- - --- "" • ..... " ....
• i! !i00i?)iiiiii;l ii00i00!i0000i! iNi:i00:i;}i i iii%00:i:i!i
t gotd ['I I r teal )" sco e o t lult ) t O I'V IO vIun .- g nl nl - m n " c " ''" "' "
' .... /..,io'_'3ll ; • ' used parts and accessories. • _ - - _, e mteslo a.of faUh, 10 )apt 1 s 7 hosl tsl lnce January 8 w ere . e '
-. ,_.70-80, and Ltinzburt :111 play Chqy- i ..'-.[ Everett Butlor.i nd l'erry Peach "Mr .-nlovlns ha/ already wroekbd ........ - " " t¥i/nsfer o[,tltbmhihlp, and 20 re'- I und6rwent, opernttgna and plastic ,,
==re, V'l°r :''-,.,,,,o- - --..,,o. oo,,.o, oo,,o, ..o,,u...,.. d;: ......... • .... d, ....... d .ar00 .... =°='v'-''°"-,,,,,,.-,o,o,...,,, .,,o.ow=r:;"-e"l;: ........ tl ...... . .,,r... .... :
• (lq or9 g) " , " 1 "Tom Reolo ] . . ' • - hand now at hi! ttittt[ol. " "It !Juliet ...... • I T le Lawrence Ylrd " ItovivalJ wau 'do]n;vi:r.we l bit wo'uld bv.vo
• l.mbert hauled ]lnont 55-52, It.!fl i. •"" - *{ i1 • el ver" out IWll[ IHBIHt- thoBo flnoll ape: Lowo|] . .,_ - : -. --. ...;1, al t!vanl!, Ga. I¢[ea I at 'Lverolco Ba r , ov/lt- o return |aroh 19 for fl, checkup, "
• h@vo|inoVaIIodownod .'au]{Olllll [111 I, l-wl I$ a'K n ,S DO ' " ITlter, Gilbert VllOOIul an I Lrln i . .| _ .. :itpt, llclowel/ oxpectl tO'lot" ]dUll.ill t an(l t, fltiltt fl.d Ii... =I I- -'
' " " lttlld tg Tom w o It It lel or JlZ, lStol ] !or the beef Hilt } lad arlen L;IUD ilelners disc]large tim tatter pldt of ^pr °," .... ,.~" "'- - ..... ,."" " •
47-v, ' ' " te 'il • 11 d[B " , ' .... ' varl]t. Hang t.llg011st, ald llt. ir. lad !rl..Loiter HoIser fl.rld " "
, halt- ,ase ad,'ertLe,,,nt at U!e Od .................. z7 ea. od .. ...... r c., ".--^s" ["" e ..oct o,s, r.peot e r. • . Rep0it .On" Conventlon, .; Bmno dw.rds'. a nag wlth the ..n' eam tram Enid to =pna the = '
tournament, gmmoa nppeals In thla ,, • x i-- - ,-,---. l-..n nt/WEIGHT OUESSiNG CONTEST ,• • ' . .,. , ,!t. JId .Mrm . A. -McDowol I ldhltcr. Ah" n R. B&lrd, wl,]weekend at tholr homo at,tho Cltlos --
lease ot The I..cader, tonated br t[n...., .lit8 t iltuu,.=,....?o - ii S --DDED''TTRACTI0" Eight members from the Moore- and B0ns o[ Greensburg I'ansas tllank'frlend8 from other churcimslServleo Station Mr lie ser a m
b"' .......... ' [°0r°[""' =°:I[= ;o0"'= ]j?["u"7[ [i r::'l a,; ={ '' .... II o land Gard. Club attended the €. ,pe.t ,u.,,a, .Iht m t o II, ...... ,,t t, ..... In t, ...... Iprovmg slow y from p .... d must
• the ad bracket "of oaC]l cass " ' ' . ,'[ ye p Y S tgu sslnl W District Conve toffln Farrow lies uh home Ivlce dLiEIn the r/v val " " Icontn takJlltreatmnnt
: howing tea n nnd tlno df game eat tiled he.rents 03.acres o I.anu;. [cOntest Ires been quite an enjoyable dO ebruary 27. :.frs. 3, B. Mllllnff . = - ...... .. -- = • -- = = . . - ..meaLs ....._. -.
otzla 7 earl oz cattle anu u| eaa n
appears on another page, of' I eb ed h" ' In add to Tom /°v°nt an l the(corn ltteo in charge Stat Prcldent of Hugo, presented " - ? - r.- .... - - - .
. . , I t r r' og . , laa spent a little lime this a nterest ng and- tnformat vo ' -- " - " ; '
aml brat or N ttl In o t ate t o ar n the event t make It ov
• " • " . " Yc 0. on dress. Silo ahl tliere are . - " - " - -
....... , ...... h,s,.,....,o,•k,." ....... o. ,e.o.t ..od o,,to.,=n,ng o,o00= ,o Oklal ........ d 20th = I'--nnua" ....
has wdil 2 hhtuplonhlps, 14 firsts. The Wotlht guessing, ha been .et In 42 tatem" Thl district has.
l{aihrnorldcher o[ OIIIon,
horn Fob. 1. and.welgheLI 7 pottnds
and ]4 ounces.
Ir; and ¸ Mrt*.. V/alter Ingrnharh
.of Ch'oonshurg;'•l.ansas are the
The lad weighed 5 pountl,q and .11
ounces and has been n[tndd Steven
.Ray•.. Mrs..In'aham't nlothor, MI'.
[arl McDowo[I, returned homo Frl
It' vlsll wllh them.
and Mrs. Frnnels .Monsoll of
Mooreland al'O the parents " of a
Careen B0t'h. horn March 7 t
weight 7 Ibm., and 15 ounces.
9 secon s, 7 hh'ds and )1 other. Ul) nto tWO C asa'es, ntis year on0
rlbbb is - lie has hecn • molnber of for young folk of chool ago, and
the livestock Jndglng teen), Allo the other for •the adults. " '
cllnptor meeting team end ¸ hns par- Botli contests have four attractive
tlolpted-ln nnnlerous --leadership ttwal.da to Im .handcll_ouLu.h/.
nctvlthm, lie rank first, achol- top funr oontetltnnt In the Junior
aatlc/fl]y .Junnn the hoys In Ills we[tht guessing clas, lilt prlz Js
class. . " $5 In cash donated by C• I..harp
Jack Miller, also a ' senior, la Ihumhor' Co.; 2nd prize, $3.50 by
serving as'chapter vl¢o-preHlflent |[.eel€hart Auction Co. 3rd2,00 In
nnd line In.oDorntlon & very outo imerchandlso hy Dunhar Super .Mkt.;
and 4thin2 free tlckot t¢ the xhow
by Mooroland Theater.
dults will likewise have the op-
nlty "to get" In on tflul big
prlze-offe:-a: lst--$5 In cal hy the
Security 8ttto nan 2ntl--a Ola"s
Flah'ing'nod, ]Jy Van Frank IIard-
3rd--$2.00 In Inorehandhlo hy
}londerson'a; 'and 4th. freo tick-
ets "to hr Mo'rob de The-
ater. - Y
The IVlfflamp AUto Callas
heen good e6gll;Io put thHr gar-
age hnlldlng a't 01e dls )osal of the
Fat toek --l:v this year, In. the
event the weather is bad. the stock
he Hhowtl Inahlo the bull(ling.
Th,arago Ilaa announcl that they
WIll" bc chined on "Sntnrday from
2:10 on'account of,ho hnw
'Singing C6nvention
units, The Statq Secrotarr
State Treaanlr'wre also prosont
Mru, Perry Peach of Mooroland l
Secretary t N. V¢. District.
Itella tram'lea_began.- a t-- 9 30 - and
an lnfurnfid coffee'-'as enjoyed' be-
foro the uonvontlon was called to
ord0rby Mls. IL V¢. MC!ntyro, D st.
l're,/dent Of" Uuftalo. " Tllo .largo
group dng ;'Amerlc& the Beaut fi "
and MrB. A. O." Sutton of AIr& read
the "Gardener'fi Creod", Mr•. M011
Ktne), Inua[e IlllltrLletoz'. at Falr-
¢ew ]dgh Sellool Hang two.approp-
• ]ltlo nunlber. * "" ""
.The high .'qmt ol the da" Waa
Istonlnw to the loest apoaker, Mr.
Elvin. McDonald .a.16 year old bpy
i.v]loso" IlOlO l 'at Gray, 16 mlea
north "of Shattuek. He llna,been an
enthusiastic gardener alnca he grow
Ida first vegetable at-2 year ot
Jigs, AS he grew" ohlor his efforts
turned to grnwlng flowers an¢l
hax a hot ]IOUHO of" hl OWn. At
grown u ) age of 12 he wns writing
rtYtJc]es for flower Ilntgaz[nes and
publlslicd Ills first magazine t/ little
later• lie loves gloxlnaa amt
his matazlne "Tll GIoxlnlan". He
now- lisa & brwach Off leo, lrt "|{an
Cllr, CIllcago and NOW York CI'
rlvJff dhtpla'yod hegonla. hb had
grown from seod and fimnr other
In Freedom,, Sunday.. beautiful flower..
" J16ctlnn ot offices was haiti and
Tho. Singing Conventlon v, Flll be they wore installed In /t lovely
hehl on ,'Sunday Marsh 8 " n" t e candlorlhht ervlce. Dainty t)rsagos
MEETING IN ENID Jsck Miller : Nazarene" Chnreh,"' 'roodom thin wro presented to all membr/.
..... " .... t I " " ' = = program of superyi,ed -y u,trmy Honer=on. ,=tot ofz-°"l--l"aa'ce°'dlj'gdt°"aIn°uncn'ent- 'tten'Ung "f ..... Moorehu, d - - . ..., ,....-M^or,,la"-l, v.,...,,tblal',,ma '
P MOB |a 1 ex ]I L H hsakor Po ..... . . . •
Ployd' t[oll Lawrence |lllldg Er- farming. ' "' " th ilaxkew na t st c u el - I' , . ,. rry
est tie.Per arid Jolll Bowon were t t o present t le 3ac I.q rnt- Ti • P r t' ] Peach, I{enn'ct i I€o t , l|arl Mor
n En d fonday attendl.g Iho N• XV•. Itg 40fi .... "d"of a,d if= .... l0irom'° thoq°nventlremdar ....... first SundayP°=tl ..... ofllkll' M I[orhm t at° iMnorlt°r o S,nml , CY, Ol & Ilaye iJ[llJff Wlbb L-lrlr f1[iT'.:.l.1rlr lr 'nlr:sD,, HELD' .- ln --' "'" wi '";LLI-MS
mootlng ot t io 'nPnl0ra Un on acre s n w eat 25' acres ia feed ' a , ' r I 'earl
- ' ' t o month on account of other nor •
Thoy reporto t Ve D' largo crowd groul d and tho romalnder a grnss .... I ' " "
• ' ' V co8 th&t (|at Tho Slllilg Con I "
)rt-¢Jlt to btli" dnln0t E• Patrol latld ]|o OWl8 !7 hofld o hoof • r *
t.l=. • ' • ' .a.,;.nd ...... ,e.a]0 ...... 'ry .... Uonl.,o,t, .... t, ............ Itrl ..,r=m,,m .... '==Y',-=R -= .UIL])I ':]='=,OvRr
.' .... " .... - ............... " ............. ]__ . an dvctryono,ts Invltod. to a[lo.d.. I T MONT'Or " ",
r - @ - , . IF ' = " , " ,. part .... l' ,+ , . ,.t or., "-" " : t ePublic:i§'i Wit, d •t0 at len theshelving ,
" " •' ,. * , * '" ' " Jack IIt.'e8 on |ho he|no fflrl b r , . /¢' '
. . . • •
' '' °" . hhnsel[ nnd has full rospo lelb[Hty
.il.l . "HII III'HI"IIIIII o,'..o,er.. .... H..lao he],,, h'.I' _ ' lhat the yol th tFFA an L 4.Heluh ha
• 1 Ill KM Ill'I llll • r, thor t .... d,,.,o.l ,..d. dak . .7'- "' •. 'for during the ast sever l months, Tt
'. ' I" IIiL . r-III "' has beon. a Inombb pf the chapter " l'}illllll
-. "= =".v"= " ,=" ,= , ,,so,n= t ..... or tl,.o ye ...... , ' tl-r-.tnt 'ill be ove'r. ;0 h, ad of Ive, lock on displa.
• ' .- ." , .. ." "' . , .:, ' lids boon t delegatt, to the ntnto 1.1111 .
• . " " • ." , . " , , ' .... cofiventlon and'tile ]ostlers]till Iraln- ' , . .
•, Tu sda - March 10 • lag .hool al Falrvlew*. W.W. ¢'. *'" .,,el *ith'Mr,. •'PRIZES ON WEI(3HT GUESSiNG-
_: e .Yt ,
Ill nddltln, to blw tarmlm: IWI-
• . - gram, Jnck hns h/Jell acth'o in all
---=.ReSidents of M6ore]and again" have a day loe,II aetlvllles nf tho'ohhpter." ]|,
proah]ont o£ )II Healer clas and
to ha,e their t}/i'slt hauled off free of charge. ,'a.. eeond, .eloh.Ucall .mo.g
The City truck will' lick-up und •haul' Off "all .,o b.y. ..h. h,.
npn-inflamable 'ateria]s that re'.placed in
sacks or.eontainers for-asy handling, and, '"i
" placed On tlm]i" tropcr{y wher € ii Wil]'be easily
seen and eaeyto get to..- " - (- .:
. . , . --. .
: • . Do not p'ut' tras],conta, lne'rs that you.'
• " w|sh "to kecp as'there ;ill returning of
,. containers. , ." ' ' . . .......
• .... ,.,, . ",' ,' •, .. ,.,:....-=-,,.
," ;I ,L'".: ,BOARD OF. TRUSTEESr'::. " .'
' " ,i:. " -TOWN OF MOOND/- ": ".;.
• . .... . ': = :
2r, ?, "'j ...
. .,,,...
Stolht .I[o[Ioway 'OI1
March 11;
%We D T*" U, will meet on Maroh '..'";
6 at 2:Q0"i,nl. In th'n basement of
Iho (2hrlsllan church. If= "Mqorehlad,
Mrs. elan Trlssol Is hostess.
' The publie:isinvitedto attend theshelving of Live.
stodc that the youth of FFA and 4-H Club ha,e been .
cai'ing for during the ibast sevel'al months. This year
. there will be over• 60 head of livestock on display. " •
Cash and "Merchandise Prizes wlll lie fiwarded ta four iqdivlduals In
two weight uess[ng conlests: Adults and School age. This event will •
begin at 9:00 a.m, ....
• • .---
LIVESTOCK. JUDGING wilt begin at' 10:00 a.m. anll all "awards will he
MATR.ON8 '" CLUB--WIll • moo|
this svock,wlth Mira. Vohfn.Swlgorl. "placed-]Jy 1,.'00 p.m. } ".
• ,.
... ::
-, C,b $350 In CashAWarCls :,:
:Tzqple M' .... G.'r, • s. c,.-..t.o...', t:. :" - • - • ...... ;'
"" "-e•v-$re Droners -.l,, ,..t ,.,,,, =r..oho.t ..... . . .,
=,,, ,... ,,o..,_, ..,,., ,,,..,,,
Mr. (l:,'dd IIIII will be the lolhlor. =. .....
Sood and bulb O'xoliailgo will . . . - .. L,
• m. • .... • n / hold nlld.'a I Ii|elnbor.-aro nsked " " ' '" = ' " k ' "" "
"1'nut's]," 'l<l..¢Y 5RI]," to hrln dlsh' towqln, - ' " ' - . • ...... ' ..... - . " ' - •
=." .... , " • ..:; ". Thi annual event ia held ufl'der the auspices ' ........... ' .. ":
• At ' Ir. nnd Mls, I.V. POWell and" . " L I " + ' " I I : "'1 1 ' . " -- I . ' I -- " ' ,I
• " • ' , ' ' eon KelTr camo tlogday for tt tw " . ... "" . • . " . , "f " . - [ ; '-'.'. ," " • " ...- " ' .- '- . .
" LEGION:HUT " a, vl,lt nt the homa-uf her par- " "" .' 11,4"" " I " '1 l/ ' "I ,'-e - ":" .... -'. " ' ' '=' ",- ",'
• " ,. - .... o.t,. lr. ,,d tr,, ^.,,,, l,,dod. ' .... -/ooreland thamher a t mmoee,, " "" , ' .... ':. .'..
STARTING, AT t00. n'OLOCK -, ' I " " ...... ; 1 " ' t ' I: ...... ' I " " I I I " V I 'VII'II]I Wt .... ' ....
".Y"- -EAcHIDA¥ :' : . '-" Mrs.' Uerta Long oa ol;on.2¢B: "" :" " ."7, ......... ' ' . " " • "' !, . ".- : ,-' '5 '. .' ....
.... . ' • . nhoda |Zo1,1t h lo6"aa, -, '" - . ' .... ' '.. , ' .., ' "' '., '. 7 ': ' " " - ' ' ' "... ......
" • ...... ' , ." '?" ....... :..'" • ' .... .-" ,' -% " ' , : .-.,.' '.,.. .... :: . .- - . •., . " .' o"--,..-' ,. .,t,
='."-: .." .' .q.'... ' - .%, "" ':I,.:,,; -=: ....... --r-=-.:-'--.'-r .... " .' '. .... . = " =---::- ..... ='-=--" ': :": " ":"=- ' , :' '" :".'7 ..... "
" " :-'.',,' ........ • " :.', " 2--"-." -o • '.'. ' :. r:, ..?7*:, :..:': _ '.--' ' .7:.,"
";'=:" " .; - :; "" ,, :
,.:, ?i "':.. f'/